House Organa
House Organa
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General Information | |
Organization Type |
Noble House |
Scale |
9 (Planetary) |
Founder(s) | Charle Remmot Organa |
Leader(s) |
Senator Bail Organa, Queen Breha Organa |
Historical Information | |
Formed From |
Founding |
25,000 BBY (approx.) |
Other Information | |
Era(s) |
Affiliation |
- Era: Rise of the Empire Era
- Source: TFU
One of the most popular and famous noble houses in the entire galaxy, House Organa is the royal family of Alderaan and the house of Senator Bail Organa. An ancient noble house dating back to the early days of the Alderaan, House Organa wields a great amount of influence not only on Alderaan but also throughout the galaxy. Thanks primarily to the efforts of the outspoken Senator, House Organa is a trusted group of nobles who are concerned with the well-being of all people throughout the galaxy. It is wealthy, prominent, and powerful; there are few other houses that any young noble would want to be born into.
The noble house of Queen Breha Organa herself, House Organa has a great deal of political influence that has been built up over thousands of years. Though the actual reach of House Organa cannot be tangibly measured, many believe that the noble house has the ability to affect events even as far away as planets on the Outer Rim. Though House Organa's wealth might seem limitless, the effectiveness of its credits depends greatly on who is being paid to do what. Despite outward appearances of loyalty to the Empire, Bail Organa regularly funnels credits and other resources into the hands of those who would seek to bring about the resurrection of the Old Republic. House Organa walks a fine line, maintaining the appearance of dedication to the Galactic Empire while in truth supporting seditious activity throughout the galaxy.
Although Senator Bail Organa is the most famous member of this noble house, a number of people affiliated with House Organa are not directly related to the Organa line. Many friends, allies, and subjects of House Organa have been taken in an enjoy the benefits of being associated with the prestigious noble house. For example, though she is not a member of the Organa family, the Naboo woman known as Sabe has been invited into House Organa to train Bail's young daughter and her friend Winter. Though joining a noble house by some means other than being born into it is a rare occurrence, House Organa recognizes that it needs all the capable allies it can get, and sees the value in putting its resources at the disposal of trusted friends.
House Organa is, to all outward appearances, nothing more than the ruling noble family. Few suspect the larger role that House Organa has played in galactic politics over the years. In many ways, House Organa has disguised itself as the typical noble house, whose power and influence are confined to Alderaan, when in truth the Organas have slowly cultivated contacts and resources on hundred of worlds over the years. From credits stowed away in secret bank accounts on Bothawui to apartments rented under false names on Eriadu, House Organa has resources at its disposal far beyond the scope of the typical noble house.
Enemies and Allies
Despite the precautions taken over the years, many agents of the Empire suspect that Bail Organa has been working against the Empire since its inception. Some rising powers within the Empire want to make an example of House Organa, showing that even wealthy and powerful noble families can be crushed by the might of Imperial justice. Thus far, Senator Organa has not yet given them the excuse they need to make a move against House Organa, though it is only a matter of time before someone gets bold enough to try. Many influential people support House Organa, some of whom are more powerful than others; Mon Mothma of Chandrila and Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia are two examples among those who ally themselves with House Organa on a regular basis.
Notable Members
- Senator Bail Organa, (human male from Alderaan)
- Queen Breha Organa, (human female from Alderaan)
- Princess Leia Organa, (human female from Alderaan)
- Princess Celly Organa, (human female from Alderaan)
- Princess Rouge Organa, (human female from Alderaan)
- Princess Tia Organa, (human female from Alderaan)
- Sabe, (human female from Alderaan)
Organization Score Criteria
Since House Organa is taking subtle and covert action against the Empire on a regular basis, new members of the noble house must prove themselves suitably trustworthy. For someone from outside the Organa lineage, proving that one can be trusted with House Organa's secrets is usually the greatest difficulty. A hero related to the Organa family by blood, such as a cousin or other member of a minor branch of the Organa bloodline, usually has an easier time gaining the main house's trust. Likewise, Bail Organa's sisters (Celly, Rouge, and Tia) have families of their own, and a hero from House Organa could be related to one of those individuals.
Positive Criteria | Organization Score Modifier | Repeatable (Max 1/rank) |
Character Level: |
+1/2 char. level |
No |
Has at lease one level in the noble class: |
+1 |
No |
Has at least five levels in the noble class: |
+2 |
No |
Has at least ten levels in the noble class: |
+3 |
No |
Has any talent from the Ideologue talent tree: |
+1 |
No |
Trained in the Persuasion skill: |
+1 |
No |
Has the Skill Focus (Persuasion) feat: |
+1 |
No |
Charisma 13 or higher: |
+1 |
No |
Completes a major task on behalf of House Organa: |
+1 |
No |
Donates credits to a group fighting against the Empire: |
+1 per 20,000 credits (max +5) |
Yes |
Discovers a Jedi who survived Order 66: |
+1 |
Yes |
Blood relative of House Organa: |
+2 |
No |
Commendation from a member of House Organa: |
+1 |
Yes |
Saves the life of a member of House Organa: |
+2 |
Yes |
Negative Criteria | Organization Score Modifier |
Disobeys a command of a higher-ranking house member: |
-1 |
Commits violence against an ally or member of the house: |
-2 |
Reviled: |
-1/2 Dark Side score |
Arrested and charged by law enforcement for a crime: |
-2 |
Has levels in the Crime Lord prestige class: |
-20 |
Arrested by the Empire for seditious acts: |
-10 |
Betrays House Organa's secret actions to the Empire: |
-20 |
Titles, Benefits, and Duties
Members of House Organa are required to always serve the best interests of the noble house and follow the decrees of the queen and her prince consort. Vassals (though not addressed as such) serve House Organa in a variety of means, but rarely wield much power within the ranks of the organization. Blood relatives of House Organa are considered true nobility, though on occasion a close ally has been raised to the rank of lord or lady as a reward for great deeds or sacrifices. Members of House Organa are constantly under scrutiny, both from other noble houses as well as the Empire, and must take extra precautions to hid any evidence of seditious activities.
Rank | Score | Title | Benefits and Duties |
0 |
3 or lower |
None |
None. |
1 |
4 - 10 |
Vassal (Baron) |
The vassals of House Organa are minor associates who have been granted the protection and influence of the noble house. A vassal of House Organa can add any one Charisma-based skill to his class skill list. |
2 |
11 - 20 |
Lord/Lady |
Having proven themselves worthy of House Organa's full confidence, most members of the noble house are granted the title of lord or lady, though the title is typically used only in formal settings. A lord or lady of House Organa can retry a failed Persuasion check to change attitude once per day. |
3 |
21 - 30 |
Prince/Princess |
The most revered members of House Organa, typically only those who are born into the Organa extended family, are granted the title of prince or princess. When a prince or princess of House Organa successfully makes a Persuasion check to intimidate a target, he or she grants all allies within line of sight a +2 moral bonus on their next skill check (provided the check is made within 1 minute or before the end of the encounter, whichever is longer). |
4 |
31 or higher |
High Prince/High Princess |
Only the highest ranking members of House Organa are granted the title of high prince or high princess. They are the ruling members of the family, and it is extremely difficult for those who were not born into House Organa to reach this rank. A high prince or high princess of House Organa is automatically granted the ownership and use of a capital ship valued at no more than 3,000,000 credits. |